"I have exceeded the number of failed login attempts allowed. I am locked out of my account. How can I fix this? "
To protect our site against attacks, we limit the number of times you fail to log in to your account. If you go over our limit, you are automatically locked out of your account for 1 hour and we cannot unlock your account until that time period is over.
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"I have exceeded the number of failed redemption attempts allowed for a specific gift card number. How can I fix this? "
To protect your gift cards / bitcoin and to protect our site against attacks, we limit the number of times a gift card can be entered with the wrong information. You will need to contact us at support@bitcards.com to have your card unlocked.
fake account - verification failed
Thank you for your email, unfortunately our compliance team was unable to verify your account based on the documents submitted to us so you will be unable to register. We apologize for the inconvenience.
What are the requirements to open a BitCard® account?
Requirements for a US-based account: • You are eighteen (18) years of age or older. • A valid US Social Security Number (SSN) • A valid US photo ID (e.g. Drivers License, ID card, Passport) • A Valid US phone number connected to a smartphone with ...
Why do we take selfie photos, ID photos, social security number, and other personal information?
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My phone number won't go through during registration, what do I do?
make sure to add the "+" symbol and your country code in front of your telephone number