Why do we take selfie photos, ID photos, social security number, and other personal information?

Why do we take selfie photos, ID photos, social security number, and other personal information?

We collect the information that is required to open a trust account at Prime Trust, our custodial partner. Prime Trust is a licensed and regulated Trust company in Nevada.

BitCard® does not store your personal information, which is passed directly to Prime Trust. BitCard® temporarily stores your address and social security information prior to the verification of your account. Once the account is verified, this information is removed from our database, leaving only a name, email and phone number.

Your ID is verified by a third-party system called IDMerit and may be stored for up to 30 days following your verification. It is subsequently deleted.

Our ID verification system makes sure that you are who you say you are and helps us make sure that no one impersonates you to steal your identity, banking information, or your Bitcoin.